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How a Serious Traffic Violation Can Cost You

 Posted on February 08,2020 in Criminal Defense

IL defense lawyerWhen most people think of the consequences of a traffic violation, they envision a ticket and a possible minimal rise in their insurance rates. While that may be the case with many minor traffic violations, there are a number of serious violations that can cost you much more. Whether you have been charged with reckless driving or driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol, it is important to understand the potential legal consequences of a conviction.

Driving Under the Influence

In the state of Illinois, driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol can come with legal consequences that can lead to jail time, significant fines, and even potential jail time. A first-time DUI offender will face Class A Misdemeanor charges. If convicted, fines can be as high as $2,500 and can result in a one-year prison sentence. The driver will also give a one-year license revocation period and will only be allowed to drive with a Breath Alcohol Ignition Interlock Device (BAIID), throughout the duration of that time.

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Five Questions to Ask a DUI Lawyer

 Posted on January 29,2020 in DUI

IL DUI lawyerIf you have been charged with a DUI in Illinois, one of the first things you should do is find a criminal defense lawyer that can help with your case. There are many in Naperville, and you certainly need to make sure you are hiring the right one. Asking certain questions can help you determine which lawyer is right for you, so it is important to know which ones to ask. While you will certainly have questions of your own that pertain to your case, below are others that you want to ask any attorney you are considering hiring and the answers to them that you want to hear.

How Much of Your Practice is Dedicated to DUI Law?

Many criminal defense lawyers will take on DUI cases. However, you want a lawyer that makes DUI one of their main focuses. These attorneys are more likely to remain up to date with any changes in DUI law, and they will have a better understanding of the best trial defenses to use, as well as plea bargaining options. Although you should not base your decision solely on which attorney has more experience with DUI cases and you should also consider the quality of the lawyer’s work, this is still an important question to ask.

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Mistakes That Can Cost You During Divorce

 Posted on January 26,2020 in Divorce

Il divorce lawyerWhen a couple makes the difficult decision to pursue a divorce, it is entirely common for both spouses to feel a wide range of emotions. Separating from a spouse is an emotional process, that can oftentimes lead to reckless and erratic behavior. Unfortunately, many people make reckless decisions during the divorce process that can have massive ramifications on their future happiness. If you or your spouse are considering a divorce, it is time to reach out to a knowledgeable legal professional.

Errors that Can Cost You In the Divorce Process

While it is hard to understand the brevity of a divorce outside of the emotional side, while you are going through the divorce process, a divorce can have far-reaching implications on your life. Because of this, it is important to understand how your actions can potentially impact the divorce proceedings.

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The Unforeseen Impact of a DUI Charge

 Posted on January 13,2020 in DUI

IL defense lawyerEvery single year, thousands of Illinoisans are charged with driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol. With the recent implementation of Illinois’ new recreational marijuana law, police are increasingly on the lookout for inebriated drivers. Many people that are charged with driving under the influence, simply give up on fighting the charges, in reality, this can be a significant tactical error. Not only are there many defense strategies that can be utilized to fight a DUI charge, but a conviction can come with serious ramifications. If you are facing DUI charges, it is time to seek out the help of a quality legal professional.

What a DUI Charge Can Mean For You

With hundreds of drunk driving deaths statewide each year, it should come as no surprise that the legal ramifications of a DUI conviction can be significant. According to state law, a first-time conviction can lead to as much as one year in prison and up to $2,500 in fines. Perhaps most significantly, a conviction will result in a Class A Misdemeanor on your permanent record. The misdemeanor charge can have a serious impact on your ability to secure employment, quality housing, and loan opportunities. The conviction will also likely result in an immediate hike in your insurance rates.

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Securing Child Custody Rights as a Father

 Posted on December 24,2019 in Child Custody

IL family lawyerThe divorce process can be an incredibly stressful time for all parties involved. The process can be increasingly stressful for fathers hoping to secure custody of their children. Most fathers have heard stories of how judges tend to favor mothers in cases of child custody, and rarely offer fathers the benefit of the doubt. While it may be true that there are more sole custody mothers than fathers in the United States, the assertion that fathers have no chance of securing significant custodial privileges is factually incorrect. All that being said, if you are looking to secure custody of your children, it is important to recognize what steps you can take to increase your chances.

What You Can Do to Help Your Case

Here in the state of Illinois, the court recognizes two types of custody: legal and physical. Legal custody provides a parent the right to make major life decisions regarding child care. These decisions can range from which school the child will attend to religious views. Physical custody is simply the parent that child will live with. It is possible to have joint legal custody and sole physical custody of a child. In order to ensure that you will be able to have a voice in important decisions and spend a substantial amount of time with your child, there are some critical steps you need to take.

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How a DUI Could Impact Your Child Custody Case

 Posted on December 16,2019 in DUI

IL defense lawyerEvery single year, thousands of Illinoisans are arrested for driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol. If convicted, the ramifications of a DUI charge can be significant. Not only will the convicted party face Class A Misdemeanor charges, potential jail time, and serious fines, the mark on their criminal record could come with far-reaching implications. If you are going through a divorce, a DUI charge could come with serious consequences, especially if you are fighting for significant child custody time. Below we will discuss just a few of the ways in which a DUI conviction can impact you during your child custody case.

The Impact of a Conviction

If your divorce is being decided through litigation, a number of issues will be out of your control. For instance, the ultimate custody outcome will be decided in large part based on the judge’s understanding of each parent’s level of engagement and responsibility. Recognizing this, here are a few ways in which a DUI conviction could sway a judge’s opinion.

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Simple Mistakes to Avoid During the Divorce Process

 Posted on December 10,2019 in Divorce

IL divorce lawyerEveryone knows that the divorce process can be an incredibly stressful time in a person's life. Not only can separating from a person you once loved come with a wide array of emotions, but a divorce will leave you to resolve a number of issues during the divorce process. All that being said, it is not uncommon for people to take costly missteps during the divorce process. If you are seeking a divorce, it is time to reach out to an experienced legal professional.

Costly Mistakes Made During a Divorce

As you navigate the divorce process, it is important to speak with your attorney regarding how to successfully resolve all of the issues that come with a permanent separation. That being said, the outcome of your divorce will in large part have to do with your willingness to be professional and focused throughout the process.

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Adjusting Your Child Support Payments

 Posted on November 29,2019 in Child Support

IL family lawyerAfter a divorce is finalized, most parties feel a certain level of relief. Officially starting a new life independent of your partner is the start of something new but it can come with some unforeseen challenges. In many cases, a recently divorced person will be mandated to pay child support to their former spouse. If one is unable to consistently make their payments in full and on time, they could face serious consequences. If you are unable or unwilling to pay your child support payments, it may be time to look into modifying the payment plan. For more information on what steps to take to modify your child support payment plan, speak with a knowledgeable legal professional today.

How to Modify Your Child Support Payment Plan

If you are unable to pay your child support, it is time to act. Not only can an inability to make payments result in potential garnishment of wages, one can potentially face the loss of driving privileges, significant fines, and even possible jail time. Recognizing this, you need to contact a legal professional as soon as you recognize that you are unable to make your payments.

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Securing an Order of Protection During Your Divorce

 Posted on November 22,2019 in Family Law

IL family lawyerToday divorce is incredibly common throughout the United States. While the vast majority of divorces can be finalized fairly seamlessly, some divorces can be highly contested. Unfortunately, some divorces even become violent. If you believe that your spouse may cause physical harm to you or your children, it is time to act. Domestic abuse has become a monumental issue nationwide, and in order to ensure that you and your family are properly protected, you need to pursue legal action. Below we will discuss how you can secure an order of protection, during your divorce.

Types of Orders of Protection

If you believe your family is in immediate danger, your attorney can assist you in securing an Emergency Order of Protection. While an Emergency Order of Protection will only last a maximum of 21 days, the order can be filed and enforced without a hearing. The respondent (abusive party) does not have to have prior knowledge of the order, the order will go into action as soon as it is approved by a judge. At the time of approval, the court will schedule a hearing date for a Plenary Order.

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Steps You Can Take to Secure Child Custody

 Posted on November 13,2019 in Child Custody

IL family lawyerWhen a couple elects to get a divorce, the process can be incredibly emotionally challenging. This is especially true when children are involved in divorce. Not only are parents looking to ensure that the divorce will not jeopardize their financial security, but they are also looking to gain significant custodial privileges. Due to changes to child custody laws in the state of Illinois, there is no longer a sole-custody parent. That being said, one parent can be awarded the vast majority of custodial time, leaving the other parent with less time with their children and in many cases a child support payment plan. In order to ensure that you secure the parental responsibilities you are looking for, it is important to know the first steps to take.

What You Can Do to Secure Parental Responsibilities

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address1700 Park St., Suite 203F, Naperville, IL 60563
hoursEvenings and Weekends by Appointment