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Tips for Safe Lane Changes in Illinois

 Posted on July 25,2018 in Criminal Defense

IL defense lawyerThe importance of changing lanes safely should not be overlooked. Regardless of whether you are driving on a busy road or one that is less congested, you should make it a top priority to change lanes in a safe manner in order to reduce your risk of causing an accident. Here are five tips that can help you change lanes safely in Illinois:

1. Check Your Surroundings

Prior to changing lanes, use your mirrors to look around you and make sure there is enough room for your vehicle to fit into the new lane. In addition, ensure that nearby motorists are not in the process of changing lanes as well.

2. Always Use Your Turn Signals

Whenever you are going to switch lanes, turn on your turn signal, even if there are no other drivers around you. Refrain from turning on your turn signal at the last second and give drivers enough time to notice you are about to change lanes.

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How You Can Be Guilty of Retail Theft in Illinois

 Posted on July 13,2018 in Criminal Defense

IL defense lawyerAlso known as shoplifting, retail theft is a common and serious crime in Illinois. It can lead to serious fines such as jail time, hefty fines, and a permanent criminal record that can make it difficult for you to secure employment, keep your professional license, and rent a place to live. In addition to simply walking out of a store with an item that you did not pay for, you can be guilty of retail theft if you do the following:

False Returns

If you return an item that was unlawfully purchased in order to receive cash, store credit, or a gift card, you commit return fraud. Often times, return fraud is committed by presenting a fake receipt that was obtained from a fake receipt website.


Under-ringing occurs when you replace the barcode tag on an expensive product with a tag from a product of lesser cost. This type of theft can also occur if you are in a self-checkout line and purposely fail to scan an item.

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Can Household Chores Lead to a Divorce?

 Posted on June 27,2018 in Divorce

Illinois divorce lawyerHarvard Business School recently conducted a study asking 3,000 divorced couples why they split. They found that arguments over household chores were the top reason one-quarter of the marriages did not work out. Let’s take a closer look as to why this may be.

Couples Lead Busy Lives

Between having a career and caring for children, couples do not have a great deal of free time. When they have completed their duties for the day, the last thing they want to do is grocery shop, mop the floors, do the dishes, fold laundry, and complete other household chores.

Even if one spouse stays at home, they are usually exhausted by the end of the day and do not want to be responsible for every household chore. When they ask to split up this responsibility with their spouse, their spouse often becomes disappointed and not willing to help out.

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How Business Owners Can Protect Themselves from a Divorce

 Posted on June 13,2018 in Divorce

Illinois divorce lawyerIf you are a business owner, you should know that a divorce can hurt you financially if certain precautions are not taken. To protect yourself and your business, be sure to follow these seven useful tips.

1. Design a Prenuptial Agreement

Before you get married, work with a family law attorney to create a prenuptial agreement that clearly outlines your business as a separate property. Keep in mind that a prenuptial agreement is a sound legal method to protect all of the hard work and sacrifice you have put into your business.

2. Arrange a Domestic Asset Protection Trust or DAPT

If you do not wish to draft a prenuptial agreement, consider setting up a DAPT. This protection strategy does not require your spouse’s approval and transfers company ownership into a trust. With a DAPT, you would legally own your business. Since this strategy may not work with all types of entities, speak to an attorney to determine if you qualify.

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Why Do Women Usually Initiate Divorce?

 Posted on May 25,2018 in Uncategorized

IL divorce lawyerPeople from all walks of life can be impacted by divorce. Sometimes, it is clear from the beginning that a marriage will not work out while other times a couple that seemed perfect and in love gets divorced. For years, research has been conducted to prove that there are certain types of people who are at a higher risk of divorce others.

For instance, couples who marry as teenagers or wait until they are almost 40 to tie the knot have a greater chance of getting divorced than those who marry in their 20s. In addition, studies have revealed that women are usually the ones that are more likely to initiate divorce.

Why Women Are at Increased Risk for Being Unhappy in a Marriage

According to a study by the American Sociological Association, women in heterosexual relationships initiate the divorce process in 70 percent of all situations. Mike Rosenfeld, the individual who performed the study stated that women are more likely to bring up the idea of a divorce because they are more likely to be unhappy in a marriage than men.

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Dangers of Driving with Headphones

 Posted on May 11,2018 in Criminal Defense

IL defense lawyerMusic can make driving more enjoyable. If your stereo is broken or your passengers do not approve of your music choices, you may decide to listen to music through headphones while behind the wheel.

While it is okay to listen to music while driving, driving with headphones and listening to music is not.

Most people are unaware that driving with headphones is illegal and considered a traffic violation in Illinois. In addition to distracting you, driving with headphones prevents you from hearing important sounds such as sirens while you are in control of your vehicle. If you are unable to hear these sounds, your chance of causing an accident increases significantly.

Although driving with headphones is illegal, it is important there are some exceptions. You are allowed to drive with a hearing aid, Bluetooth earpiece, intercom-equipped motorcycle helmet, or a headset used by a construction worker or emergency responder.

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When to Date Again After Divorce

 Posted on April 24,2018 in Divorce

IL divorce attorneyAfter a divorce, you may be feeling lonely and depressed. In the past, you spent your time with your spouse. Now, you no longer have a significant other and may have a difficult time living life as a single individual.

The good news is that many divorced individuals do find love again. If you hope to find that special someone after a divorce, the following advice will help you determine whether you are ready to date again.

Dating Before Your Divorce is Finalized

While you are going through the divorce process, you may meet someone that intrigues you. Although it is ideal to wait until your divorce is finalized before starting to date if you feel like “life happened” and you met someone you see a future with, there are certain things to keep in mind.

In the event you have children, think about how dating someone new before the divorce has been finalized will affect them. Even if your children are not acting like the divorce has hurt them, it likely has. Their family dynamic is about to significantly change and it can be difficult for them to accept this regardless of whether they are young or a teenager.

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Why Do People Commit Retail Theft?

 Posted on April 16,2018 in Criminal Defense

b2ap3_thumbnail_shutterstock_29323501.jpgRetail theft is a serious property crime. If you are convicted of retail theft, you may face severe consequences including a permanent criminal record, fines, jail time, and a damaged reputation. Let us take a closer look at what retail theft is and what motivates people to commit it.


What is Retail Theft?


Also known as shoplifting, retail theft occurs when someone illegally takes possession of, transfer, or carries away any merchandise that is for sale by a retail store. In simple terms, it is stealing from a retailer. Believe it or not, one out of every 11 Americans engage in retail theft.

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Wage Garnishment and Child Support

 Posted on April 01,2018 in Child Support

b2ap3_thumbnail_shutterstock_525426424.jpgChildren are the top priority in every divorce case. For this reason, Illinois divorce law offers various options to help parents receive the child support payments they need to provide for their children and allow them to live the high quality of life they deserve.

Although some parents trust their ex-spouse to make direct child support payments, others do not and rely on wage garnishment to collect their payments.

Wage Garnishment Defined

Wage garnishment occurs when a court issues an order requiring an employer to withhold a certain amount of money from the paycheck of an employee who owes child support. This withheld money is sent directly to the parent who is entitled to the child support payments. Wage garnishment is often used by spouses to collect outstanding child support payments.

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5 Tips for Controlling Divorce Costs

 Posted on March 18,2018 in Divorce

b2ap3_thumbnail_shutterstock_632813642.jpgDivorce is often an expensive endeavor. If you are in the process of getting divorced, know that there are ways you can control divorce costs and make sure that you do not pay more than you have to. Here are five tips for controlling divorce costs and keeping your finances in check.

  1. Be Realistic. It is imperative that you have realistic expectations for your divorce case. If you are realistic, you will not have to spend tens of thousands of dollars arguing about issues that you are not going to “win.” When you make the decision to file for divorce, take the time to consult an experienced divorce lawyer who can help you design a strategy for your particular case. By having a strategy in mind, you can be more realistic and save money as a result.
  2. Compromise. Although it is easier said than done, compromising with your ex-spouse can save you money. If you learn how to compromise, you will be able to settle your case without the need for a trial. Keep in mind that while compromising can help you, it is okay if you disagree with some issues and keep your best interests in mind.

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address1700 Park St., Suite 203F, Naperville, IL 60563
hoursEvenings and Weekends by Appointment