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Last Will and Testament

 Posted on April 08,2015 in Uncategorized

Having a Last Will and Testament is very important. It will ensure that your wishes as to how you would like to have your estate divided are fulfilled. In order for a Will to be valid, it must be written, signed by the person making the Will and signed by two (2) witnesses who were present at the execution of the document and who also witnessed each other sign the Will. Anyone who is at least eighteen (18) years old (or is an emancipated minor) and who is of sound mind may make a Will. The witnesses have to be persons who do not receive anything under a Will. Although the process may seem simple enough, it is important that it is done right so that there are no issues if the Will is contested in Court.

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Orders of Protection

 Posted on April 01,2015 in Uncategorized

Defending against an Order of Protection is just as important as defending against a criminal charge. Unfortunately, Orders of Protection and criminal charges often go hand in hand. It is important to understand the difference between an order of protection and formal criminal charges. In many instances, the allegations contained in a Petition for Order of Protection constitute criminal conduct. Sometimes, criminal charges are filed prior to or contemporaneously with the Petition for Emergency Order of Protection. The most common example arises out of a domestic dispute between significant others. The police are called, someone is arrested, charged with domestic battery, and an order of protection follows. Sometimes, criminal charges are never filed. Other times, criminal charges are filed after order of protection proceedings in large part due to the evidence and testimony presented at the hearing.

If someone obtains an order of protection against you on an emergency basis without your participation at the initial hearing, you will have the right to defend yourself at the subsequent hearing to extend the emergency order of protection. However, order of protection hearings are civil, not criminal, proceedings. This means that the level of proof to obtain or extend the order of protection is much lower and the Respondent is not afforded the same protections he or she would be at a criminal trial, such as the right against self-incrimination. If you become party to an order of protection, you need to understand that your testimony at the order of protection hearing could be used against you at a criminal trial or could cause criminal charges to be filed when they were not filed in the first place. The consequences of your testimony at an order of protection hearing can be severe. That is why it is important to have an experienced attorney represent you to avoid any further damage to your reputation, since that order of protection will show up in LEADS (Law Enforcement Agencies Data System) and on your criminal history.

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Job Loss and Support Obligations

 Posted on March 31,2015 in Uncategorized

If you owe a support obligation, whether it is child support or maintenance (alimony), and you lose your job or experience a decrease in pay, your support obligation does not automatically stop. You must continue to pay the court-ordered support amount until a new court order is entered changing your support amount. If you stop paying, or fail to pay the full amount, without filing the appropriate petition, an arrearage will begin to accrue and your missed payments will even accumulate interest. It is your responsibility to file a petition to suspend, abate or modify your support obligation under these circumstances. We can help you file the appropriate petition and obtain relief as soon as possible. It is important to know that simply filing the petition does not trigger the modification or suspension. However, in many circumstances, we can request retroactive modification back to the date of filing your petition. That is why it is important to contact us the moment your employment situation changes. We offer free consultations to discuss your situation and to determine whether you are eligible for some form of relief.

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Cell phone use and accidents

 Posted on March 29,2015 in Uncategorized

Did you know that if you are using your cell phone and you cause an accident and injure somebody you can be criminally charged? So please be careful and drive safely! However, if you become involved in a situation like this, or know somebody who has, give us a call to make sure your rights are protected.

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Enforcing Orders from Other Countries

 Posted on March 26,2015 in Uncategorized

Many of our clients wonder if child support orders entered in other countries can be enforced in the United States. The short answer is "yes". However, enforcement can sometimes be difficult as a foreign judgment has to be enrolled in Illinois first, before it can be enforced. If you have questions regarding enforcement of a foreign judgment, feel free to give us a call!

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Divorce and Retirement Accounts

 Posted on March 26,2015 in Uncategorized

Division of retirement accounts is a part of divorce. However, just because a Judgment for Dissolution of Marriage that says that you are entitled to a percentage (or a specific amount) from your spouse's retirement account was entered, does not mean that you will automatically receive that amount. Usually, there is another step that needs to be completed. Your attorney has to enter what's called a Qualified Domestic Relations Order (QDRO). A QDRO is an Order that has to be approved by the company that holds the retirement account. Once it is approved and entered with the Court, the company will then accept it, and depending on your Judgment, the circumstances, and the company's policy, will divide your spouse's (or your) retirement account. The process can be difficult and may require the assistance of an experienced divorce attorney to make sure that everything is done correctly. Feel free to give us a call to schedule a meeting to discuss your QDRO-related questions.

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Have you been involved in a car accident?

 Posted on March 25,2015 in Uncategorized

If so, you should contact an attorney to ensure that you fully understand your rights and potential liabilities. If you were involved in a car accident and issued a traffic citation, more severe consequences may arise from traffic court other than a fine and a conviction or court supervision on your driving record. If you plead guilty in court or by mailing in your ticket, that plea of guilty constitutes a judicial admission of guilt which can be used against you in other court proceedings, such as a civil lawsuit arising from a claim of personal injury. A personal injury lawsuit may not even be filed at the time of your court appearance, but could arise thereafter. It is important to protect yourself from admitting liability before you are even aware that a civil suit is pending against you. Just because you were issued the traffic ticket does not always mean that you were the driver at fault. In most cases, the police officer writing the ticket did not witness the accident and made a judgment call based on hearsay statements provided to him (or her) by all individuals involved. Conversely, if you have been injured in a car accident, you may be entitled to damages for medical bills, lost wages, and/or pain and suffering if the other driver was at fault. Contact J. Aldrich Law, P.C. today for a free consultation to ensure that you are fully protected in either situation.

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Your Criminal Record May Be Holding You Back!

 Posted on March 23,2015 in Uncategorized

With so many advances in technology that benefit you each day, you might often wonder how you once lived without them. However, one downfall has been the ease with which people can find out personal information about you, including your criminal record, which is not confidential and is no longer only accessible to law enforcement agencies. Employers, girlfriends, boyfriends, classmates, and neighbors may be able to easily obtain your criminal record with a click of the mouse utilizing the many websites offering background checks for a nominal fee. Don't let your criminal record become your identity! You may be able to clear that prior arrest or criminal disposition through the process of expungement. Contact J. Aldrich Law, P.C. today for a free consultation. Your road to a "fresh start" may be just a phone call away!

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Divorce can be Difficult

 Posted on March 22,2015 in Uncategorized

Divorce can be very difficult - both, financially and emotionally. Suddenly, your family is falling apart. You may be feeling overwhelmed, stressed and angry. While you need an attorney who will fight for your legal rights in Court, you also need an attorney who will listen and explain the various options you have with regards to the financial and personal aspects of a divorce. At J. Aldrich Law, P.C., we strive to provide our clients with exactly that kind of representation - aggressive legal representation in court with a focus on the attaining our clients' needs. We understand the immense impact that divorce will have on your life. We are committed to helping you successfully navigate the process and regain control over your life.

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Modification of Support

 Posted on March 18,2015 in Uncategorized

Child support is always modifiable. If you are paying child support but your income has gone down, you can petition the court to lower your payments. Conversely, if you believe that you should be receiving higher child support, you may petition the court to increase it. If you are unsure, give us a call for a free consultation to see if you are eligible for a modification.

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address1700 Park St., Suite 203F, Naperville, IL 60563
hoursEvenings and Weekends by Appointment